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Hi, I’m Susanna Eastman.

I was a public relations writer before I turned to romantic fiction. While I enjoyed working in the corporate world, I decided it was more fun to write about the sexy characters in my head. I write steamy sci-fi and contemporary romance novels, and I’m the author of the Heat series and the soon-to-release Heart Bond series. I love telling stories about out-of-this-world heroes and the women who capture their hearts.

I was fortunate to meet my personal romance hero during college. We met at a fraternity party my freshman year at school and became fast friends. One night I was eating dinner at his fraternity, and my future husband suavely sat on an empty table beside me to chat. Unfortunately, that table was missing a leg and it collapsed on my arm. When he called the next day to check on me, I had to tell him my arm was broken. (It was!) Devastated but still gallant, he asked me out on a date. We’ve now been married more than a few decades and have two teenage sons.